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article / document resource request "5398"
2010-10-10 Презентация доклада на IX международной школе «Хаотические автоколебания и образование структур» ХАОС-2010, 4-9 октября 2010 г., Саратов, Россия 18 P. The main object for analysis of its chaotic nature in this paper is one of different types of Free Electron Laser (FEL) - Volume Free Electron Laser (VFEL). The main principle of operation of FEL, traveling wave tubes, backward wave oscillators and other vacuum electronic devicesis the radiation of moving uniformly in the slow-wave structure bunches of charged particles being under synchronism conditions. Distributed feedback provides coupling between electromagnetic field and particles and is the main origin of self-oscillations in such devices.
A gallery of different chaotic regimes for VFEL laser intensity with corresponding attractors and Poincare maps is proposed. Bifurcation points corresponding to transitions between different regimes of generation are investigated. Parametric maps for different parameters present complicated root to chaos with windows of periodicity and quasiperiodicity. Investigation of chaotic lasing dynamics in VFEL is important in the light of experimental development of VFEL in Research Institute for Nuclear Problems. |
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