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Physics of Particles and Nuclei, 2017, Vol. 48, No. 6, pp. 910–913 Activities performed in preparation for the search for ternary fission of heavy nuclei and the analysis of fragment angular correlations with nuclear track emulsion and an automated micr... |
Experiments in preparation for search for uranium ternary fission by means of nuclear track emulsion are summarized. The study will be focused on the possible involvement of the unstable nucleus \[^{8}\mbox{Be}\] in the suggested scenario of the colline... |
We have studied the properties of the relativistic helium fragments emitted from the projectile in the interactions of \[^{24}\mbox{Mg}\] ions accelerated at an energy of \[3.7 A\] GeV with emulsion nuclei. The total, partial nuclear cross-sections a... |
Relativistic beams of light nuclei slowly extracted from the Nuclotron and a developed beam line system of the facility constitute a good base for exotic nuclear beams forming in-fight. A resent years activity in the field at the Laboratory of High Energi... |
Метод толстослойных фотопластинок, впервые разработанный Л. В. Мысовским и с большим успехом применявшийся им самим, А. П. Ждановым и другими советскими физиками для изучения ядерных процессов и космических лучей, оказался очень плодотворным. По количес... |
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