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Toward an automated analysis of slow ions in nuclear track emulsion Conference of Fundamental Research and Particle Physics, 18-20 February 2015, Moscow, Russian Federation Application of the nuclear track emulsion technique (NTE) in radioactivity and nuclear fission studies is discussed. It is suggested to use a HSP-10... |
Application of the nuclear track emulsion technique (NTE) in radioactivity and nuclear fission studies is discussed. It is suggested to use a HSP-1000 automated microscope for searching for a collinear cluster tri-partition of heavy nuclei implanted in NT... |
Дан обзор недавних результатов, полученных с помощью метода ядерной эмульсии (ЯЭ) в низкоэнер- гетических применениях. Облучение ЯЭ ядрами \[^{8}\mbox{He}\] с энергией \[60\] МэВ позволило идентифицировать их распады при остановке, оценить возможности... |
Application of the nuclear track emulsion technique (NTE) in radioactivity and nuclear fission studies is discussed. It is suggested to use a HSP-1000 automated microscope for searching for a collinear cluster tri-partition of heavy nuclei implanted in NT... |
A survey of recent results obtained using the nuclear track emulsion (NTE) technique in low energy applications is given. NTE irradiation with \[60\] MeV \[^{8}\mbox{He}\] nuclei provides identification of their decays at stopping, evaluation of the ... |
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