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Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, 2011, Vol. 8, No. 6, pp. 562–565 Nuclear emulsion was exposed to xenon nuclei accelerated at the JINR Nuclotron. Visual and automated scanning of the extracted beam profile was performed using the exposed emulsio... |
Чувствительность и гранулометрические свойства ядерных фотографических эмульсий Рабочее совещание «Перспективы метода ядерной эмульсии» 10-11 июня 2013 г., Дубна |
Exposure of Nuclear Track Emulsion to 8He Nuclei at the ACCULINNA Separator Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters, 2013, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 415–421 Nuclear track emulsion is exposed to a beam of radioactive \[^{8}\mbox{He}\] nuclei with an energy of \[60\] MeV and enrichment of about \[80\] % at the ACCULINNA separator.... |
На сепараторе ACCULINNA ядерная эмульсия была облучена в пучке радиоактивных ядер \[^{8}\mbox{He}\] с энергией \[60\] МэВ и обогащением около \[80\] %. Измерения \[278\] распадов ядер \[^{8}\mbox{He}\] , остановившихся в эмульсии, позволяет оцени... |
The ACCULINNA fragment separator in the G. N. Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions was used to irradiate a nuclear track emulsion by a beam of radioactive \[^{8}\mbox{He}\] nuclei of energy of \[60\] MeV and enrichment of about \[80\] %. Measureme... |
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