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A two-particle channel in which an unbound nucleus of \[^{8}\mbox{Be}\] in the ground state ( \[^{8}\mbox{Be}_{g.s}\] ) was one of the fragments was selected among events where \[^{12}\mbox{C}\] nuclei of momentum \[4.5\] GeV/c per nucleon undergo c... |
Исследуется образование троек \[\alpha\] -частиц в состоянии Хойла при диссоциации в ядерной эмульсии ядер \[^{12}\mbox{C}\] с импульсами \[4.5\] и \[1{\,} A\] ГэВ/c. Это состояние идентифицируется по инвариантной массе, вычисляемой по парным угла... |
In dissociation in nuclear track emulsion of \[4.5\] and \[1{\,} A\] GeV/c \[^{12}\mbox{C}\] nuclei, the formation of triplets of \[\alpha\] particles in the Hoyle state (the second excited state \[0^{+}\] ) is observed. This state is identified... |
The Hoyle State in Relativistic 12C Dissociation Production of \[\alpha\] -particle triples in the Hoyle state (HS) in dissociation of \[^{12}\mbox{C}\] nuclei at \[3.65\] and \[0.42{\,} A\] GeV in nuclear track emulsion is revealed by the invariant mass approach. Contribution of the HS to the di... |
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