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article / document resource request "5364"
Theory of diffracted channeling radiation
PACS: 61.85.+p, 41.60.-m
R. Yabuki, H. Nitta, T. Ikeda, Y. H. Ohtsuki
Phys. Rev. B63 (2006), 174112
Monochromatic x-ray emission is predicted for MeV channeled electrons/positrons. The mechanism of this radiation is intuitively understood as diffraction of virtual channeling radiation into the direction of the Bragg angles with respect to the electron beam. Our numerical calculations predict that spectral density of the emitted x rays is about ten times larger than that of parametric x-ray radiation.
Chanelled_diffraction_PhysRevB.63.174112[1].pdf187918application/pdf2024-08-23 14:34:10
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