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article / document resource request "5282"
2022-11-18 arXiv:physics/arXiv:2211.05648,
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2211.05648 18 P. November 2022 In this paper, we review and compare HPM sources operating without a magnetic field to guide the electron beam that are capable of producing high-power microwave (HPM) pulses with a duration of about 100 ns. The proposed analysis summarizes multi-year research carried with three types of HPM sources: a split-cavity oscillator (SCO); an axial vircator; and a virtual cathode oscillator in Reflex Triode geometry. These options were simulated for electron beam energy ∼400 keV and for pulsers with demonstrated capability to provide high power microwave pulses with the required pulse duration. Designed sources were experimentally tested, and their advantages and weaknesses are discussed with respect to high output power, long pulse duration, and good operating stability. |
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