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article / document resource request "3507"
Optimization study of ultracold neutron sources at TRIGA reactors using MCNP
Pokotilovskij Y. N., Rogov A. D.
22 P.
Keywords: нейтронная физика

Monte Carlo simulation for the optimization of ultracold and very cold neutron sources for TRIGA reactors is performed. The calculations of thermal and cold neutron fluxes from the TRIGA reactor for different positions and configurations of a very cold solid methane moderator were performed with using the MCNP program. The production of neutrons in the ultracold and very cold energy range was calculated for the most promising final moderators (converters): very cold solid deuterium and heavy methane. The radiation energy deposition was calculated for the optimized solid methane-heavy methane cold neutron moderator

© Объединенный институт ядерных исследований. Дубна. 1997

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