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article / document resource request "3230"
Radionuclide and lead content in breast milk after Chernobyl accident
Ustinovich A. K., Zubovich V. K., Dombrovsky V. Yu., Petrov G. A., Zemskov V. N., Iskritsky A. M., Shilko A. N.
8 P.
Keywords: Chernobyl

Belarus-Japan Symposium "Acute and Late Consequenses of Nuclear Catastrophes: Hiroshima-Nagasaki and Chernobyl". Proceedings, Oct. 3-5, 1994, Minsk.

Cesium-137, strontium-90 and lead content were estimated in breast milk of women from radionuclide contaminated and "clean" areas of Belarus. Cesium-137 content exceeded Republic permissible standards (RPS-92) only in 2.3% of samples taken from contaminated areas. At the same time strontium-90 content was significantly higher permissible one in 22.3% of these samples. Lead content in samples taken from all the studied areas was much higher than in is permitted by WHO standards. Especially high in was in breast milk samples received from contaminated areas. A conclusion was made about the necessity of laboratory control of radionuclides and lead content in women's milk.

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